
Image of Photo of the students in the New Summer Palace by the Houhou Lake in Haidian, Beijing.

From Cambridge to Peking: students receive travel bursaries to visit China

Each year, two undergraduate students attend the  thanks to the generosity of the Marshall Foundation.

Ariel Cohen (2017, HSPS) and Jamie Edgerton (2016, Natural Sciences) both applied for and were awarded a bursary in 2018. Officially designated as ‘visiting students’ at the University of Peking, they lived on campus and attended lectures and seminars that interested them. Ariel mainly studied sociology and semiotics, with a focus on China and East Asia, whilst Jamie studied technology and healthcare. 

After studying during the day, in the late afternoons they explored parts of Beijing further away from the University of Peking campus. Amongst other things, they visited the Summer Palace and the Beijing Contemporary Art Zone, and travelled to Shanghai and Hangzhou.

The College offers a range of bursaries to undergraduate and graduate students. We are grateful to James Marshall (1986), Chair of the Marshall Foundation, for funding such a culturally enriching academic opportunity.