
Image of 1930s postcard, Chapel Court
View of the Chapel showing extensive formal planting in Chapel Court

1863 to 1945

During this period Â鶹ԭ´´ responded to fresh demand for university education and grew to become one of the larger Colleges in Cambridge.

Rapid expansion

In the second half of the 19th century the College grew from being one of the smallest and poorest Colleges in Cambridge to being one of the larger and most prosperous.

In 1875 it became the third largest College in the University (after Trinity and St John’s) and by 1881 had 216 undergraduates, seven times as many as it had 20 years before.

This transformation was almost exclusively the work of one man, Henry Arthur Morgan. A clergyman’s son, when he came to the College in 1850 he was one of just 32 undergraduates in residence, 14 of them Rustat Scholars. Following his graduation Morgan stayed in Cambridge teaching mathematics until a fellowship became available in 1860. Three years later he was appointed the College’s Tutor.

Changing demand for university education

Morgan was among the first in Cambridge to recognise how the University might help meet the new demand for a university education for sons of the growing middle class in Victorian Britain. Many of them would have attended one of the newly established public schools and might be considering careers other than the clergy or teaching.

After 1856 people who were not Anglican were permitted to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree, and in 1871 this was extended to all university degrees (except those in divinity) and college fellowships.

At the same time Cambridge University’s curriculum was slowly being widened; undergraduates were no longer restricted to mathematics and classics, there were new courses in natural and mechanical sciences, moral and political philosophy and economy, history, law, and divinity.

New buildings in the 1870s

Morgan grasped these opportunities, and during his 22 years as Tutor almost 1,200 undergraduates were admitted to the College. Two large new buildings were constructed to house them within the College's spacious 25 acre precinct.

The first was designed by Alfred Waterhouse and built in 1869-70, funded by borrowing from the Rustat Trust’s reserves. The second was designed by R.C. Carpenter and constructed in 1885-6 using the proceeds from sales of College owned land that had been subject to compulsory purchase to build railways. A lecture hall was also built in 1875 (demolished in 1962), the Hall was enlarged, and chapel services were moved to the outer Chapel.

Some of the College's landholdings around Cambridge were sold for housing developments, which helped the College to avoid the worst effects of the agricultural depression of the later 19th century. 

Morgan's Mastership

Morgan was the first Master to be elected by Fellows rather than appointed by the bishop of Ely, and the first not to combine the Mastership with another church appointment. During his 27 year tenure a further 1,350 undergraduates were admitted.

Morgan was helped by another, unrelated, Morgan (E.H.), who was Dean from 1866 and a Tutor from 1882. The two were known respectively as the Senior and the Junior Tutor or, less respectfully and for much longer, as Black Morgan and Red Morgan because their hair mimicked the College’s colours.

There were rarely more than two other Fellows in residence, and often the two Morgans ran the intellectual life of the College by themselves.

Sports, student societies, and 'reading men'

The College Close - which had previously been rented out to a local farmer and was used by the College’s cook as a kitchen garden - was now used for cricket, football, athletics, and tennis all year round.

As student numbers grew, new sporting, dining, social, and debating clubs were founded, as well as a College magazine, and a number of College traditions.

Of the 1,200 undergraduates admitted during Morgan’s tutorship - two thirds of them from the new public schools – more than a third left Cambridge without any degree, and only a quarter of those who graduated took an honours degree. These were the 'reading men', distinguished from the rest, who were the 'pass men'.

Most of the reading men, for whom success in University examinations was vital for their future careers, had to find teachers ('coaches') for themselves outside the College. A small library was established for their benefit, and prizes were endowed to encourage them. But for many at this time the College was once again a finishing school.

Clergy training and theology

The College’s other role as a training college for Anglican clergy also continued. Almost a third of the undergraduates admitted while Morgan was Tutor were clergymen’s sons, and almost one in three took Holy Orders. During his Mastership the proportion fell to one in five, but it was still as high as in any Cambridge College.

By 1894 the College was no longer an exclusively Anglican institution, and its Fellowship contained several faiths including Catholicism and Judaism. 

One of the first of the Â鶹ԭ´´ Fellows to gain a reputation in the wider University as an effective and successful teacher and lecturer was F.J. Foakes-Jackson, who taught theology. The first two University professors to be Fellows were professors of divinity; and it was for theology that the College's first modern graduate studentships were established in 1890. 

Academic developments

The rule that Fellows must be celibate ended in 1882 – all but one of the resident Fellows were married within the year – and fellowships began to be seen not as prizes but as jobs for those teaching and researching in the College and the University. 

The First World War brought the University and its Colleges to a virtual standstill. Nearly one in six of the students admitted to Â鶹ԭ´´ during Morgan’s Mastership who were not ordained were killed while serving.

After the War the first students with government grants (ex-servicemen) came to Cambridge, and the College for the first time acquired a staff of specialist teaching Fellows for each of the main subject areas.

Under the 'Cambridge system', which was crystallised in new statutes in 1926, responsibility for students is divided between the University and the Colleges. The University provides lectures, laboratory teaching, and research libraries, examines students, and awards degrees, while the Colleges supply small group teaching known as 'supervisions' and provide residential accommodation, catering facilities, and other social amenities.

Building between the Wars

During the interwar years the College usually had around 300 students in residence, most staying long enough to obtain a degree. Another building with 50 spacious sets of rooms was erected in 1930 to help house them, designed by P. Morley Horder, who also designed the Cricket Pavilion and the Boat House.

Financed by a bequest and by the sale of the freeholds of the University Arms Hotel and of the land in Jesus Lane, this building completed the third of the College’s five three-sided courts which spread outwards from the core of medieval buildings surrounding the original priory cloisters.

In 60 years the number of student rooms had grown from fewer than 40 to over 170. However most undergraduates still had to spend a year or two in lodgings nearby managed by University-licensed house keepers.

Hear from our students

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    Â鶹ԭ´´ has been a great home for me during my PhD. I chose Â鶹ԭ´´ for a number of reasons – first, the location. We are central enough to be within easy walking distance of most things, but far enough away to avoid the hustle and bustle (and tourists in summer!). The College also has extensive grounds, with amenities like the hockey pitch, football pitch and tennis courts all on site. Secondly, the accommodation is some of the best I’ve seen in Cambridge. My house was newly renovated when...

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    There are many reasons why I’m so happy to be a part of Â鶹ԭ´´. The three biggest reasons for me are the opportunities to be involved in College sport, the support the College provides for me with for my research and the help in making sure that we have comfortable, affordable accommodation when we have needed it. Â鶹ԭ´´ is so friendly and so it is incredibly easy to get involved in the sport and social side of the College. The MCR does a great job in welcoming new...

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    Â鶹ԭ´´ has been at the heart of my Cambridge experience. I chose the College because I was impressed by its distinctive blend of academic rigour and extracurricular achievement. A College for all-rounders, Jesus is a lively and rewarding place to study. I couldn’t be happier here! Friendly and engaged, the Jesus postgraduate community never ceases to impress me. At ease with themselves and forever curious, my peers go out of their way to cultivate a sense of camaraderie. After a day of leafing through old manuscripts at the National...

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  • Photograph of a postgraduate student



    What first attracted me to Â鶹ԭ´´ was its reputation and history, central location without being touristy, and the postgraduate housing options. When I arrived at Jesus I was so pleased to find the partner accommodation was spacious, affordable, and situated very close to the college, allowing us to really take advantage of the facilities. We especially enjoyed The Roost, the nicest of all the college bars, doubling as a café during the day - ideal for studying or meeting up with groups - and a lively pub in the...

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  • Â鶹ԭ´´ Postgraduate Student



    I chose Cambridge for my PGCE as it’s the leading UK institution for teacher training and Education, with an exciting, research-dominated, cutting edge course. The staff are welcoming and approachable, and make studying here an absolute joy. I’ve already completed one of my three primary school placements, in a reception class in a school just outside Cambridge, and am due to start the next one soon. I chose Jesus because of its reputation as a sporty College, but the proximity to the city centre is a big bonus. Jesus also...

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