
Image of A group of students walking around College

Meet our undergraduates

Meet some of our 500 undergraduates and hear what they think about Â鶹ԭ´´ and Cambridge.​

"Â鶹ԭ´´ has something for everyone. We're a College envied for our friendly and inclusive atmosphere, and most people find themselves with a wide group of friends, from a diverse range of backgrounds." Aiden, Chemical Engineering 

  • Photo of Computer Science student


    Computer Science

    The combination of modern computing facilities, inspiring surroundings, and like minded people made Â鶹ԭ´´ a great place to study. After graduating I worked for a start up company before completing a PhD and now work as a computer vision specialist for a technical consultancy. The Cambridge Computer Science course is highly regarded by employers and the strong theoretical grounding ensures that it remains relevant even though the technology is constantly changing.

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    Computer Science
  • Photo of HSPS student


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    For the last two years, the politics and international relations track has given me the opportunity to study the politics of the modern world and a cross section of the centuries of philosophy that underpin it. This year, from a selection of every major region, I chose to focus on the Middle East, and the course has given a real insight into topics that seem to be more often discussed than understood, like the Arab Spring and the Syrian Civil War. From supervisors through to my Director of Studies, I...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion student


    Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion

    The Theology Tripos is possibly the most varied arts course available at undergraduate level - at least, that's been my impression. There is huge flexibility from the very beginning: the only compulsory papers in the first year are a language (there's a choice of four) and either the Old or New Testament paper. Other than that, it's possible to tailor your study to suit your interests. I opted for the church history paper and Christian doctrine in my first year. This year, I've carried on with Hebrew and Old Testament...

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    Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion
  • Photo of Law student



    Studying Law at Jesus has been one of the most intellectually challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The course enables you to explore and critically engage with various aspects of the law, whilst developing both abstract thinking and practical problem solving skills. The supervisors and facilities at Jesus foster a friendly and stimulating environment which makes for interesting academic discussion and learning.

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  • Photo of Materials science student


    Natural Sciences (Physical)

    Studying a science option within the Natural Sciences Tripos provides an excellent opportunity to achieve a solid grounding in the core physical or biological sciences, as well as exploring new or different options that you may not have encountered at school. I have just finished my third year specialising in Materials Science at Jesus after studying Physics and Chemistry for the first two years. The ability to experience different options and tailor my direction of study especially appealed to me as I did not know what I wanted to specialise...

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    Natural Sciences (Physical)
  • Photo of student



    I chose to study Engineering at Cambridge because I really enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-level (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Economics), and I liked the practical side of the Engineering course at Cambridge. The Cambridge course differs from other Universities as you are taught General Engineering for the first two years, after which you specialise into your chosen branch of Engineering. This attracted me to the course as it means that you get a basic understanding of all types of engineering (Mechanical, Structural, Electrical etc) before having to...

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  • Photo of Psychological and Behavioural Sciences student


    Psychological and Behavioural Sciences

    The content of the Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos has truly opened my eyes to the world and continues to deepen my understanding of the myriad of factors that influence everything from interpersonal interactions to widespread social issues that we face everyday. The multidisciplinary nature of the course provides many dimensions of knowledge that can help in any discussion you might find yourself in!

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    Psychological and Behavioural Sciences
  • Natural Sciences (Biological) Student


    Natural Sciences (Biological)

    My favourite thing about Jesus is its welcoming community, and the plethora of societies on offer for all abilities and interests. Despite never having picked up an oar in my life, I was welcomed right away into Â鶹ԭ´´ Boat Club and I’ve found a new passion for rowing! My best Cambridge memory so far is taking part in the ‘Bumps’ rowing race in first year, which was an absolutely exhilarating experience. I chose Natural Sciences because I loved studying both Biology and Chemistry at A Level, and found myself...

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    Natural Sciences (Biological)
  • Photo of History of Art student


    History of Art

    History of Art at Cambridge gives you the opportunity of both broad and specific study. In the first year I studied one painting in significant detail by completing a short dissertation, while the Making and Meaning courses provided a firm background in 2000 years of art history. Spending each week on a new topic or time period, I have been surprised to develop interests in areas I had never considered before. Who knew 17th century fountains could be so interesting? For me, the most exciting aspect of History of Art...

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    History of Art
  • Lewis smiling at camera.


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    I've thoroughly enjoyed studying Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Jesus. I was nervous before I arrived, but the friendly community of students and staff immediately put me at ease. Not only is the college library a great place to study, it can also get pretty much any book for you on request! Great for a sudden wave of inspiration based on something off the reading list... Outside of academia, the college has been ramping up its connections to industry and career support, which has been invaluable in calming...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Mathematics student



    Studying Maths at Cambridge is demanding, but very interesting. The first year of the course builds a solid foundation of knowledge, and then the many optional modules available in later years allow you to specialise in the topics you really enjoy. One of the main benefits of our shorter, fast paced terms is the amount of progress you make in such a short time. Jesus is one of the friendliest Colleges. It has a medium sized cohort, which means you get to interact with a huge variety of people while...

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  • Photo of Computer Science student


    Computer Science

    I joined Jesus in 2011 to read Computer Science. At school I had done a lot of mathematics, so the theoretical nature of the Cambridge course appealed to me. As well as a strong theoretical grounding, however, the course gives a thorough introduction to many practical aspects early on, such as chip design and a variety of programming languages. There are plenty of opportunities later in the course to expand on these, and the result is an education that is both wide ranging and in depth. I took a particular...

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    Computer Science
  • Photo of Medicine student



    Studying Medicine at Jesus for the past two years has been a great privilege. The course has been challenging, but extremely rewarding, especially as I enjoyed biology at school. The course is packed full of science for the first two years, and in third year you can choose to study a similar or entirely unrelated course. After that there are three years of clinical studies. Renowned for its amazing musical, arts, and sporting facilities, Â鶹ԭ´´ not only gives you a top-class medical education but a true sense of belonging...

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  • Photo of Architecture student



    Architecture at Cambridge is centred around studio work, where a design project is compiled into a final portfolio. My projects have varied greatly, with tutors from various architectural practices providing different insights into the design process. I have approached architecture both from the scale of the private room, investigating spaces through filmic and literary precedents, and from the scale of the city in a collaborative and realistic masterplan that takes into account socioeconomic and cultural issues within a community. The research based ethos of the department is evident in the...

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  • Photo of Computer Science students


    Computer Science

    Studying Computer Science at Cambridge has been a great springboard into my career. Starting out as a software engineer, I used my skills to move into project management and then programme management at a large multinational company. Studying at Cambridge means that you can apply what you learn to any new problem and is proof that you are willing to work hard and achieve. Â鶹ԭ´´ is a wonderfully supportive and stimulating environment to achieve your best whilst also enjoying student life.

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    Computer Science
  • Photo of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies student


    Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

    I chose to study Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) at Cambridge due to my love for languages. I was keen to pick up new languages in addition to those which I had studied at school. The AMES tripos is excellent for this: in Years 1 and 2 I studied Arabic and Persian, and in my final year I am studying Arabic and Hindi. The small class sizes are excellent and really aid in the learning of new languages. The degree is excellent with regards to the choice of modules...

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    Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  • Photo of Linguistics student



    I chose Linguistics at Â鶹ԭ´´, having really enjoyed English Language at A-Level, because I wanted to study topics like child language acquisition and the history of the English language in greater depth. The Linguistics course more than lived up to my expectations; there are so many more areas to study than you realise when you first apply. I especially enjoyed conducting my own experiments in the phonetics lab – it was great to be able to learn practical, as well as theoretical, aspects of Linguistics. My final year dissertation...

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  • Photo of Archaeology student



    Studying Archaeology at Jesus has been a fantastic experience. For the last three years, I have been able to choose from an enormous range of papers, allowing me to tailor the course to my personal areas of interest. Throughout this, I have benefited from the continued support of (among other brilliant academic staff in College) an archaeologically-specialised Director of Studies and a well stocked archaeology section in the College library, meaning I rarely need to borrow from the department. Â鶹ԭ´´ also offers a range of travel and study grants...

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  • Photo of Mathematics student



    I studied Maths at Â鶹ԭ´´ for four years as an undergraduate. I am now a PhD student in the doctoral training program at the Cambridge Centre for Analysis. I work in the area of partial differential equations, specifically those arising in kinetic theory. At Cambridge I was introduced to a wide variety of areas of Maths, many of which I hadn’t really known existed before coming to university. I found the course highly rewarding and always interesting. The course starts with a good grounding in the basics, leaving many...

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  • Photo of Veterinary Medicine student


    Veterinary Medicine

    Veterinary Medicine was the perfect course for me, since I’ve always wanted to work with animals but also have an interest in medicine. I chose Cambridge as, for the first three years, the course is essentially a normal science degree, and I loved studying Biology and Chemistry at school. I visited Â鶹ԭ´´ on an open day, and loved how much space there was and how friendly all the student ambassadors were. The free laundry facillities were a big bonus! Now that I’m here it really does feel like one...

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    Veterinary Medicine
  • Photo of HSPS student


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    Studying Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Jesus is great, as the relatively large intake creates a really supportive group within College. The course itself is diverse, allowing you to study everything from power politics to the psychology of free will. Taking four subjects in part one means you gain experience of several different disciplines before deciding where to specialise.

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Medicine student



    I enjoy the strong scientific focus of the Medicine course at Cambridge for the first three pre-clinical years. The way the course is delivered is unique and, while it’s not for everyone, it is something that really pushes me. Despite the initial scientific focus, there is plenty of opportunity to see the clinical side with the ‘Preparing for Patients’ course, and through optional clinical sessions held by the upper year Jesus clinical medics. Â鶹ԭ´´ itself has such beautiful grounds and is a wonderful place to study. It has so...

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  • Photo of Classics student



    I knew straight away that Â鶹ԭ´´ was the one that I really wanted to go to. It is a beautiful and old College steeped in traditions and everyone I have met here has been lovely and supportive, which makes all the hard work so worthwhile. Classics here is really strong, with a number of eminent scholars teaching us on a regular basis who all specialise in different fields. I feel very privileged to be learning from them. Classics is such a varied degree because it incorporates languages, history, art...

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  • Photo of an English student



    English at Cambridge encourages you to think differently right from the start, to experiment as much as you can, and find your own interests within the subject. Before I applied, I was anxious about the course being too rigid and ‘traditional’. But I’ve been able to write about things I’d never even considered before - food on stage, tennis in literature, a comparison between the TV show True Detective and Shakespeare. It helps being at a College like Jesus, where the arts play such a central role in College life...

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  • Photo of Geography student



    Geography at Cambridge is a hugely diverse course, which allows you to obtain a wider grasp on the world. The knowledge and skills gained from topics within both human and physical geography can complement a huge range of jobs! My favourite topic so far has been the Earth, as I find Volcanology incredibly interesting, although Geopolitics has also caught my eye. Next term we’ll be carrying out a project on air quality, which will involve data collection and practical application of our statistics modules. When I visited Cambridge on an...

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  • Photo of History student



    Before applying, I thought it was far out of my reach, that Cambridge was only for naturally gifted geniuses, but after I started studying I realised that couldn’t be further from the truth. The vast majority of people here work hard and love their subject, by far the most important factors for making the most of studying your subject at university. Jesus has a really strong contingent of historians sitting a range of papers, so we all give each other help and advice as well as learning from academic staff...

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  • Photo of Education student



    Studying Education has enabled me to study a broad range of interests within the parameters of my degree. From black feminist theory, to discussing what exactly it means to be 'educated', I have been fortunate enough to explore these areas in depth. The Education Tripos enables students to combine varying interests and passions into a single, well structured, and hugely enjoyable University degree.

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  • Photo of Land Economy student


    Land Economy

    Land economy covers an incredibly wide range of topics across multiple academic disciplines. This diversity makes it fascinating to study, offers flexibility to specialise or maintain a wide coverage and enables development of a great number of skills including solving quantitative problems, analysing legal cases and statutes, interpreting economic models, and writing reports. This range of skills means it acts as a stepping stone into many different careers. For example, I'm going to be an actuary and much of what I've learnt in my finance papers will be of great...

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    Land Economy
  • Photo of an Education student



    The best element of this course is its multidisciplinary approach to the study of education, and the incorporation of other subject areas. The incredible diversity of a week’s lectures has challenged me to think holistically and to write with versatility. As someone with very wide interests, I have thoroughly enjoyed the breadth of subjects spanned on the course, and it has allowed me to find areas of particular interest in which to specialise in my final year. The drama papers are excitingly full of potential to work with your course...

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  • Photo of Chemical Engineering student


    Chemical Engineering

    I chose to study Chemical Engineering at Â鶹ԭ´´, mainly because I thoroughly enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-Level (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, and Physics). The course was a natural combination of everything that I’d studied so far, and I’d decided that I wanted a practical career within industry. The course at Cambridge is different to the course at many other universities across the country; rather than immediately studying Chemical Engineering, you choose to study either General Engineering or Natural Sciences in your first year. You’re taught and...

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    Chemical Engineering
  • Rachel Middleton


    Modern and Medieval Languages

    Studying Modern Languages at Cambridge is about much more than learning languages, although that is certainly a very important part! The course takes you through literature, history, and linguistics, beginning with a broad overview and becoming more specialised in the second and fourth years. Before starting Cambridge, I had never read or even come into contact with any medieval French literature, yet I have just completed a dissertation on women's speech in 12th century French romance. The third year is a compulsory year abroad, a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself...

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    Modern and Medieval Languages
  • Photo of Modern and Medieval Languages student


    Modern and Medieval Languages

    Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) is a hugely flexible course that allows you to explore the history, film, art, literature, linguistics, and thought of the languages that you study. In my first year alone, I studied medieval French literature, 17 th century Mexican poetry, and French Nouvelle Vague cinema! Jesus is the perfect place to study MML at Cambridge. With its beautiful, spacious grounds and friendly, tight-knit community of students and staff, it’s a supportive and stimulating place to work and live. There’s always something going on in College, from...

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    Modern and Medieval Languages
  • Photo of Geography student



    What makes Geography so appealing is that it’s such a diverse and varied subject, and the Cambridge course really makes the best of this. In first year, you study both Human and Physical Geography which is a fantastic way to get an overview of the whole discipline. I knew before I arrived that I was probably going to be a Human Geographer, but I really enjoyed studying the Physical side too, and it helped me find new connections between different topics. By far the best thing about Jesus is the...

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  • Photo of Philosophy student



    The most exciting element of the Philosophy course for me is the wide variety of topics it covers, bringing together aspects from a whole range of diverse subjects. In one week I could be working through a set of logic questions, writing an essay about Mill's thoughts on feminism, and attending lectures on personal identity and utilitarianism! This diversity in the course makes it an incredibly engaging and continuously fascinating subject to study. As well as giving me the chance to develop an array of practical, transferable skills, such as...

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  • Photo of Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion student


    Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion

    I chose to do Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion at Cambridge because it was the most diverse and flexible course for this subject available. Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion is a broad subject that encompasses a lot of my passions including literature, language, and history; skills required for each of these disciplines are challenged and developed by the course. The Faculty is great environment for learning, with a friendly atmosphere and a fantastic library working space. It is a pleasure in particular to be a theologian at Jesus...

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    Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion
  • Photo of Natural Sciences (Biological) student


    Natural Sciences (Biological)

    I am a second year Natural Scientist at Â鶹ԭ´´ studying biochemistry, cell and developmental biology and chemistry. I was particularly drawn to this course as it offers a wide range of both physical and biological subjects, with the opportunity to increasingly specialise over the years. For me studying in this multidisciplinary environment has been hugely beneficial and will be a great advantage for later research. For Natural Science students, a lot of the contact time is at the University level. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to meet people...

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    Natural Sciences (Biological)
  • Photo of Economics student



    Jesus is known for being the friendly College, and I really felt that aspect of our ethos while walking around during the open day I attended. This, coupled with the lovely and historic atmosphere, pushed me to apply here. I chose to study Economics because I appreciate how it explains the world around us via informative interpretations and predictions. Cambridge was the natural choice, given its reputation as having the most rigorous and wide-ranging undergraduate Economics course in the world. I’ve really enjoyed the course’s blend of mathematics, problem-solving and...

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  • Photo of Chemical Engineering student


    Chemical Engineering

    Reading Chemical Engineering at Jesus, I felt welcomed into a strong community of scientists and engineers, plus with a chemical engineering Fellow at the College, I received invaluable support for academic inspiration and career planning. The College also has thriving sports and social societies that are a very encouraging and motivational way to enjoy your hobbies as well as develop new skills. Chemical Engineering at Cambridge transforms your understanding of scientific and engineering principles, teaching you a breadth of knowledge in an environment that always challenges you to think beyond...

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    Chemical Engineering
  • Photo of Classics student



    When I arrived at Jesus for my interviews, I fell in love with the beautiful, unique architecture. The open spaces and green areas made me feel at home, and I was determined not to let the opportunity to live and work here slip through my fingers. Our library has one of the largest Classics sections of any College library; it’s right in the middle of College and accessible 24/7. Classics is a small subject, and only a few universities offer it at the highest level - I chose Cambridge because...

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