
Congratulations to our graduates

Congratulations to the 151 Jesuans who graduated in two ceremonies held at the University Senate House yesterday (28 June).

This was the main graduation ceremony for undergraduate students completing their three or four-year degrees. In the ceremony, five different types of degree representing the whole breadth of academic courses were conferred by the Master of 麻豆原创.

The afternoon began with a rehearsal for the graduation ceremony in the Frankopan Hall, where the Senior Tutor explained the origins and meaning of the ceremony to the students and the Praelector rehearsed the movements of the graduation ceremony with them. Both this speech and rehearsal can be viewed in the video embedded on this page or .

Following the rehearsal, graduands processed to Chapel Court for the traditional group photograph and then, after a break to catch up with family and friends, assembled in First Court to prepare for the walk from College to the Senate House on Kings Parade - but not before the Praelector, The Rev'd Dr Paul Dominiak, took his now-traditional graduation day selfie.

The first group of graduands was led to Senate House by Head Porter, Grahame Appleby the Praelector and Senior Tutor, Dr Geoff Parks; while the second group was led by Deputy Head Porter, John Morris, and College President, Dr Stephen Siklos. Both groups processed through the main College gate and through the Chimney, emerging on to Jesus Lane where family and friends were waiting to take photographs and follow on. 

Following the ceremonies, our new graduates returned to College to enjoy drinks with their Directors of Studies and fellow alumni, before joining family and friends for a buffet in the grounds of the College. We extend our warm congratulations to our graduates and, in the words of the College motto, hope that their journeys may be successful, whatever the future holds for them.