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How is tech changing how we work, think and feel? Event for Cambridge Science Festival 2020

Dr Tyler Shores will return to the Intellectual Forum to head a panel discussion on technology for the  2020.

Following on from the success of his Science Festival lecture last year, Tyler Shores will be returning to the Intellectual Forum for the Science Festival 2020 with a panel of experts including Anu Hautalampi (Head of Social Media, University of Cambridge),  (former speechwriter for Sheryl Sandberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and others), and (Lecturer in Big Data Analytics and Quantitative Social Science at the Cambridge Judge Business School). 

Considering that our lives are more mediated by technology now than at any other time in human history, Tyler and the panel will discuss the impact of online technology in our everyday habits and behaviours, with a focus on how tech influences us at the level of our work, learning, and our personal lives.

Tickets for this event will be released on 10 February 2020 at 11 am.