
Image of Chapel Court

‘Our Picture-Postcard College’ Photo Competition

Fancy yourself as a budding photographer? Do you ever look at a postcard and imagine it featuring one of your photos? Send us a picture for a chance to be featured on one of our new College postcard designs!

This competition is open across the whole Jesuan community - students, staff, Fellows and alumni can all enter!

The theme is ‘Our Picture-Postcard College’ and you are welcome to interpret this in any way you see fit. The winning entry may be featured on one of three new College postcard designs.

While you might well choose to submit pictures you’ve taken on your swanky DSLR, remember, too, that some of the best images are those snapped in a moment of inspiration on a phone camera.

Simply email your photo to us at development@jesus.cam.ac.uk as a jpg (CMYK and preferably high resolution). 

The contest closes on 30 November 2023 at midnight and the winner will be announced in December.

Please also confirm that you would be happy to allow us to use these images in a postcard design, in future College publications, across our social media platforms and on our website. We will of course credit you when any of your images are used. For images which include members of the College (students, Fellows and staff), please ask permission before taking their photo as you may be asked to confirm this later.