
Watch Professor Sarah Bridle explain how we can take a bite out of climate change

You can now watch Professor Sarah Bridle's talk on Food and Climate Change.

On 15 October 2020, the Intellectual Forum welcomed to deliver an interactive online talk on the impact of food on the climate. 

A quarter of greenhouse gas emissions across the world come from food. But how much do we know about how the choices we make about the food we eat affect that? Does it matter whether you have a latte or an americano? Would switching from meat to fish make much difference, or is going vegan the only option? Are food miles really so important? 

Professor Sarah Bridle, author of the recently published 'Food and Climate Change Without the Hot Air', gave an online audience food for thought and challenged them in various polls to guess the climate impact of different food before answering their questions.

Sarah's book is available as a

The livestream of this event is